Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby A and Baby B Come Out!

   I am dressed and ready and they say "it's time!"  Jordan has already been wheeled into the delivery room.  I am led in a few minutes later.  When I enter the delivery room Jordan is lying on the delivery table with a sheet draped in front of her face.  Her arms were splayed out like she was on the cross.  The nurses and physician were doing something behind the curtain, but I couldn't see anything.  I stroked Jordan's head. The next thing I knew was that we heard a cry-it was baby A-Gigi.  She was all red and bloody and the nurse quickly whisked her over to the warmer to wipe her off and to place her in a blanket.  They told me not to move.  I stayed put on my seat but was taking photos with my phone.  Jordan couldn't see her baby because she was behind the sheet.  A few minutes later they brought Gigi over to me, and I held her and showed her to Jordan.  She couldn't touch her or anything. I kept her for a short time while the team prepared to take out baby "B".
  About 5 minutes later "Baby B," Tess, was brought into this world screaming for her life.  Her scream was much louder and felt more fragile to me than Gigi's.  I took a photo and it looks like Tess is being tortured to death.  They cleaned Gigi up, handed her to me, and I put her by Jordan's face.  She was sweating and crying as she looked at Gigi.  I was proud and overwhelmed.
   Gigi was taken back to the warmer where she and Tess would be checked out in the Nicu.  Jordan finished with the after birth and was stitched up.  The sheet was taken down and she was lifted on to a stretcher to go to the recovery room, which was actually where we started out.
   In the recovery room they were checking Jordan's vitals when Monica, her friend who is a physician and 4 months pregnant arrived from Bellevue hospital to see the babies.  It was around 8 o'clock and she'd just gotten off of work (she's in the psych ward with 200 patients).  She brought Jordan two quilts she'd made for the babies.  They were blue, red and white with a star pattern.  I was amazed she had time to do that.
    She said she was always checking on the sonogram at the hospital where she worked to see if the baby was okay.  The recovery room only has Jordan and one nurse.  The hospital is deserted because of "Sandy!"
    About 30 minutes later they wheel Jordan to her hospital room.  Monica and I follow.  "When will we be able to see the babies?" Jordan inquires.
    "As soon as they finish checking them out" we are told.
    Jordan and Monica catch up on their lives.  I run down to the cafeteria to get something to drink.  Forget the hotel, I was going back with Monica to her place that night.

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