Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gloria Steinem and the modern Woman-forever Divided

   It seems there is no end to the modern woman's frustration! I remember when I had my youngest in the early seventies and how guilty I felt about being a mother. Gloria Steinem was speaking across the street and I went over and heard her. I felt so guilty that I never wanted to say I was a mother-no, I was a poet, a painter, a writer, but not a mother.  
   Now I look at my daughter and her friends and they are forever divided-there is not enough of them for everything-their work, their lovers, their homes, their bodies, and above all their children!
  Never enough, never enough of you anywhere.  WHat the women's movement did was enable us to enter the MEN'S DEFINITION OF WORK!  I am going to say that again, the men's definition of work and power.
   It is singular, and like the penis, thrust out and up.  It is the energy that will gain hundreds of millions of dollars for oneself on Wall St., that will battle to the death, that will go to the moon, that will blow up a town.  It is centered on a singular drive.  Many men cannot multi-task.  But women, they are a circle, their bodies produce babies and our future.  When you have children you cannot just think about yourself.  You are divided, there is you and there is your baby.  There is your family and the family comes first.  There is your family and your work.
    There is your work and your family.  Jordan is now discovering the multiple pulls.  You hire a nanny, she is in effect the mother to the children while you are gone.  Nannies are asking for a thousand a week in Cobble Hill, without college, etc.  It means you have to be earning a lot, and that nanny will in effect be representing you.  It means that at birthday parties, at school, with other parents, teachers, etc., you take the man's position and the nanny takes yours.  With parents with two high powered careers, the children don't really have a parent at home unless they bring in one's mother like Michele Obama to "nanny" the children.  
  But what about women's definition of power, is it more circular.  Is work supposed to be what men say it is, or can it be community based, group based, and shared.  Surely when we operate as a whole we do better than when we are singular.  
  A house on a street with lots of kids is better than a lonely house on the hill.  To have friends and community is better than being all alone.
   To have a balance between work and home is better than just doing work.  It's all about balance-the ying and the yang.

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